Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Reincarnation cycle, progress, prison world and truths

Greetings, this article is based on a Cobra manipulated session, which you can fully read here, and we will address some disclosures step by step, what is true and what is lie or crime.

The way information is disclosed on the above subject, although partially true is displayed in order to cause confusion when it comes to the above realities, please don't take anything that will overthink your mind as truth, but only that which causes bursting light and love in your heart, and a easy peaceful mind.

For the sake of good health, I will not analize the whole article, will leave to good will of yours to decide on it. Keep in mind Cobra is known for introducing half-truths mixed with lies and codes for mind confusion, you can go to the comment sections on his main website and you will find people commenting about not being able to handle it anymore, saying they will take their only lifes or lost in mind confusion. Which is exactly what his working is coded to do. But we will address this later. Back to the article.

Cobra introduces an interesting movie and discloses some lies about it, let's put some light on the matter for all of you, you don't have to aggree (yet) to what I have said above, but read the following with a neutral mind.

"The movie Nosso Lar is based on a real story as it was told to the medium Chico Xavier, who was famous in Brazil for helping people communicate with their deceased loved ones, giving them details about their private lives that he couldn't have known without being psychic. In this movie we follow the story of a doctor who dies and finds himself on the etheric and astral planes.
After dying, he wakes up in a totally dark, desolated and horrible world, where people have no ressources and constantly re-act negative patterns."

"He searches and finds no grace there, until he is at the end of his rope and prays to the divine for help. Help comes and he is rescued by people surrounded with an aura of Light."
"They bring him to a beautiful city :"
"Cobra has spoken about these cities :

"Actually on the higher astral planes there are areas of Light where people can go after they die if they have high enough vibrational frequency. They have beautiful landscapes, beautiful buildings, beautiful surroundings. But they are still tied to the quarantine Earth, sooner or later they have to come back and reincarnate, because the archons still have control over them.""

DISCLOSURE: The archons have no control over the fortressed cities of light in the higher astral planes, or higher 4D. These cities are fortressed as not to let lower vibrational densities in, and they are blessed by God (One). People who get there will still have to reincarnate? No, most of people who get there still have to reincarnate as they are still tied to the Ego mind and not ready to face new realities, in fact they are eager to incarnate and feel strongly attached to Earth and earthly feelings, and the only way out of Earth reincarnation cycle is the dissolution and letting go of this, remember out there there will be no such things as chocolate, burguers, sex, alcohol, anger, depression, vanity, egoistic behaviour, possessions, social status etc etc. A simple impure thought is enough to condemn you to a lesser reality, if you will or not, that is the law. But there are souls living there who don't need to reincarnate anymore and keep living there serving, these souls can freely visit other realities beyond the prison matrix or beyond 4D. Remember this was true before Earth began ascending into 5D realities, now this cities are also being moved to higher realities, beyond the prison matrix grid, as the astral plane or 4D is being purged by the white fire.

"We see this control system clearly in the movie. The city is surrounded by walls:"
Of course the astral plane or 4D is covered in all kinds of manipulated plasma forms, negative entities, dark thoughts and other bad stuff! The gates of the city will open to any pure heart, who wishes to leave or get in, as in harmony with God's will. Remember God is the Love in our Heart of Hearts, and connecting with that is connecting with the will of the One, or our True Will. Sadly most beings were not in this state of counsciousness. Things are changing, this movie is based on 1940's novel, a time where most manking was trapped in the prison of not being in the Heart,  which is the only true prison, that manifests as a higher prison colletctive world (Remember WWII). But we are ascending out of this, keep calm, you will get there.

"And people are not able to go out, they are strongly discouraged to do so, and if they do, they come back wounded. The whole structure and hierarchy of the city gets people to reincarnate, it is actually the only option offered to people."

This is just so disrespectful, people are allowed to go out but this isn't an ego decision. As there was the example of a person in the movie who took the decision to go out and visit her living husband  on Earth. Except she wasnt mastered in multidimensional travel as most humans aren't, her decision was based on the ego and not the pure heart and she took the way as if she could just walk there. Between Earth and Higher realms there is all kinds of densities that do much harm to any soul, and that's why it is discouraged to go out, and that's why she was so injured afterwards. There are no secrets beyond, souls speak only the truth and knowledge is always available to the seeker. Also people do go out manifesting the true heart wishes, and will even teleport to see their loving relatives, as the will of the Heart, and will do so unharmed. As well as people will leave in mission to Earth to give blessings and spiritual teachings, but this can only happen after some knowledge and understandment of spiritual law took place.

 There is never any mention of moving to a different planet, or even staying on the astral plane. People who try to find a different option are rather shamed and considered »unspiritual« for »not surrendering to the divine plan«."

You have to understand two things here. Firstly moving to a different planet is not something that crosses people's mind that often, specially in such limited states of counsciousness. Moving to another planet or to other FREE dimensions is not just simply going there, it is a transition of Heart and Counsciousness, as that transition happens you get all the support on your outter reality aswell, including from the spiritual hierarchies even in these higher 4D cities.
About reincarnation, understand this: these cities haven't been there forever, before they were there, dying souls who didn't have greater consciousness (so 99% of mankind,this is the 20th century we're talking about) would jump instantly towards another life. It was the will of the Superior that these cities were built, and there were battles for it to happen. As they were built it allowed more souls to meet light and love, remembering past lives and understanding their soul mission and soul development progression, meeting beloved family members and to live there (in these cities) for a while. It even allowed them to plan the preferred life, with the chosen adversities and blessings which would result in deep spiritual lessons, before needing to reincarnate. When those cities weren't there, there wasn't even a remembering, you would die and perhaps suffer in agony in the astral plane or 4D densities, and then you would reincarnate, or perhaps you would reincarnate instantly after death. Only true enlightned souls would meet higher free realities before reincarnating if they chose to do so, at that point reincarnation is a choice and not a need anymore. So these cities were a true progress, and not a trap as Cobra tries to put it. The last sentence of his was just disrespectful and there's nothing to it neither in the novel or the movie, nor in the reality. Remember, moving to another planet is something deep and powerful, and can only happen with spiritual maturity, a transition of heart and consciousness. 

"It's also that guides of the Light forces are manipulated by the archons on the etheric plane, and they generally want to do good but they are brainwashed, same as spiritual teachers on the physical plane, it is quite similar."

Guides of the Light forces are guided not only by the unconditional love in the Hearts for every soul, life and God, but also by 9D and beyond beings. This knowledge comes from the crown chackra at the top of the head and through the whole body, it is immune to any archontic or influence from any negative entity no matter how "powerful" that entity is. Starting on 5D there is not any negative influence whatsoever from any entity. The higher the negative forms can manifest is 4D, which is where the entities that guide Cobra are. These cities are fortresses of light, impenetrable where 4D communicates and coexists with higher dimensions. At the lesser 4D vibrational state, consciousness are trapped.  This is quite simple and the way the creator intended.

In the subsequent parts of Cobra's articles he presents some truths and semi-truths (which causes confusion, no wonder his followers are always confused and mixed up). But I won't get in details on that. Follow this blog for more clearings on Cobra's teachings.

So it is,

In light we shall Be,

Be in peace, my beloved souls.

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